A Sunday in Hell - 1976
Breaking Away - 1979
American Flyers - 1985
[Note - See the trailer for American Flyers further below.]
2 Seconds - 1998
Ghislain Lambert's Bicycle - 2001
The Flying Scotsman - 2006
Phantom Pain - 2009
Premium Rush - 2012
The Armstrong Lie - 2013
Half the Road - 2014
For a more complete list of cycling films, see the list below:
Fictional Cycling Films
Bicycle Thieves - 1948
Jour de FĂȘte - 1949
Onna Keirin-o - 1956
One Got Fat - 1963
Slipstream - 1967
A Peasant on a Bicycle - 1974
A Sunday in Hell - 1976
Breaking Away - 1979
BMX Bandits - 1983
Pee-wee's Big Adventure - 1985
American Flyers - 1985
Quicksilver - 1986
Rad - 1986
On Time - 1987
Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar - 1992
Boy and Bicycle - 1997
2 Seconds - 1998
The Amateur - 1999
Beijing Bicycle - 2001
Cyclomania - 2001
Ghislain Lambert's Bicycle - 2001
The Triplets of Belleville - 2003
Nasu: Summer in Andalusia - 2003
Island Etude - 2006
Clorophilla - 2006
The Flying Scotsman - 2006
Phantom Pain - 2009
The Kid with a Bike - 2011
Premium Rush - 2012
Wadjda - 2012
Allez, Eddy - 2012
Documentary Cycling Films
Vive le Tour - 1962
A Sunday in Hell - 1976
Bicycle Safety Camp - 1989
Road to Paris - 2001
Hell on Wheels - 2004
Klunkerz: A Film About Mountain Bikes - 2006
Pedaling to Freedom - 2007
Bicycle Dreams - 2009
Chasing Legends - 2010
With My Own Two Wheels - 2010
I Am - 2011
The Last Kilometer - 2012
A Winter of Cyclists - 2013
The Armstrong Lie - 2013
Half the Road - 2014