Sunday, October 20, 2024

Zero Friction Chain Wax

Hi Charles, Smokey here

I'm in the process of teaching my 50th course here on Quadra Island.

I was looking at various items on your site today. And the last was the chain cleaning bit.

Please take some time to study Alex's Zero Friction Cycling site in Australia. 

He's the man who's tested chains and lubes empirically for hundred of thousands of kms. He shows that famous lubes like Mac Off are total crap. He shows you how to remove the factory-applied grease. And finally how waxed chains save the life of the chain as well as all the other drive train components. Huge money savings!

Once you learn the technique, waxing saves time as well.

He will revolutionize your winter riding if you try wax.

Best wishes,




Hey Smokey!

I posted your email here:

I am currently in college being trained as a home inspector so that I can work in the real estate industry. Hence the lack of recent posts on my Bicycle Mechanic blog since I've been so busy.

Arthur and Richard are getting bigger and bigger. They're now 2 and 7.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get two boys to smile and look at the camera at the same time???

The photo below is a bleeding miracle.

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