Saturday, June 4, 2016

Arrogant Cyclists give Cyclists a Bad Rep

Just moments ago I was nearly hit by a cyclist who had the arrogance to think I was at fault. I was standing on a walking path in a park and giving directions to two lost strangers.

We were not blocking the path and there was plenty of space for the cyclist to go around us and still be well on the path. The path was paved and approx. 14 feet wide (more than enough space for a garbage truck to drive on).

So the cyclist had plenty of space. More than enough.

So why did he make a big fuss and claim we were "blocking the path"?

The incident got me thinking about why cyclists have such a bad reputation amongst car drivers and even amongst pedestrians we have a bad rep.

And I think it really comes down to arrogance and a sense of entitlement (and those cyclists who ignore safety don't help our reputations either).

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